Advantages of Dental Implants
Dental Implants offer many advantages for people who have lost a single tooth or many teeth. Here are just a few benefits of dental implants:
Appearance and Self Confidence - Dental implants look and feel just like your own teeth. No one will ever know you have a replacement tooth or replacement teeth. You will regain your confidence and your smile. Dental implants also integrate into the structure of your bone, so they help prevent bone loss and gum recession that may accompany bridgework and dentures.
Tooth Saving
- Dental implants don't impact the quality and strength of your adjacent teeth because neighboring teeth are not altered to support the implant. This is a huge advantage to your long-term dental health.
Functionality - Dental implants allow you to speak and eat with comfort and confidence. They are strong and secure.
Reliability - Our success rate with dental implants is very high. Dental implants are an excellent option for tooth replacement