The options for denture wearers continue to grow as technology, materials, knowledge and skills continue to evolve. Today, there are many choices that will enhance the performance of dentures so they provide the comfort and functionality desired.
An implant supported denture is one of these options. Unlike a regular denture that rests on the gums, an implant supported denture is attached to and supported by firmly anchored implants designed to last a lifetime.
Benefits of Implant Supported Dentures
An implant supported denture is much more stable than a regular denture. This enables someone with an implant supported denture to speak and eat with confidence. They do not have to worry about their dentures coming loose. In addition, foods that once could not be eaten with traditional dentures can be enjoyed once again.
Types of Implant Supported Dentures
There are basically two types of implant supported dentures:
1. Bar Attachment Dentures - A thin metal bar that follows the curve of the jaw is attached to two or more implants that have been placed in the jawbone. The denture fits securely over the bar and clipped into place.
2. Implant LOCATOR® Attachment Dentures - Each implant placed into the jawbone has a solid male attachment that fits securely into a corresponding female attachment on the denture. This highly versatile and durable attachment is self-aligning and very easy for the denture wearer to use while providing for a natural feel and function.
Both types of implant support dentures provide a denture wearer with high levels of strength, security and performance.
The Process
Implants are usually placed in the jawbone at the front of the mouth. This area tends to contain the densest bone which provides the strongest anchor for placing implants.
The time it takes to complete the placement of the implants so they are ready to receive the dentures depends on many factors and varies from person to person.
Once the implants are ready, the dentures can be attached and used immediately.
Cost of Implant Supported Dentures
The cost of an implant supported denture is not the same for every patient. To determine an accurate cost, an exam and evaluation must be conducted by a dental professional who has special training in Implantology.
During this exam, it will be determined if a patient is a good candidate for implant supported dentures. If the patient is a good candidate, a specific plan and design will be developed that is customized for the specific patient. Then, a cost estimate can be provided along with an expected time-frame.
Contact Us for More Information About Implant Supported Dentures
The best way to decide if implant supported dentures are right for you is to contact us. We can determine if you are a good candidate, discuss your options, answer all your questions and provide you with a cost estimate and timeframe based on your unique and specific needs.
I (Dr. Mark Grucella) have advanced training in Implantology and my vast experience will deliver you with the professional advice and guidance needed to determine if implant supported dentures are the best option for you.
Please contact us by calling 330-733-7911 or send us a message from our website
at any time.